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Thursday 11 July 2013


Tanzania is placing strong emphasis on decentralization to ensure that nutrition is on the agenda with those working closest to affected communities. Advocacy on nutrition issues with PANITA Members has been undertaken to ensure they are sensitized on the need to take action on nutrition in Tanzania.

Tanzania through PANITA is undertaking a mapping exercise to increase understanding on how to best align all actors who have a role to play in scaling up nutrition, and ensure they can work together as efficiently as possible.

PANITA Members at Lake Zone at the meeting at Malaika Hotel to discuss more about Nutrition that is capacity building for their members. 

 Malaika Hotel in Mwanza

 The Good place of Malaika Hotel

Lake Zone Members of PANITA at Malaika Hotel about Nutrition.

 Lake zone PANITA members at the meeting.

 The place of Malaika Hotel in Mwanza.

 Lake zone members in the discussion about food and Nutrition in Tanzania.

  Lake zone members in the discussion about food and Nutrition in Tanzania.

 Lake zone members in the discussion about food and Nutrition in Tanzania.
  Lake zone members in the discussion about food and Nutrition in Tanzania.

 PANITA Members entering in the Hotel at Malaika.

Executive Director from HUHESO Foundation Mr Juma Mwesigwa as a member of PANITA ata Malaika Hotel.

What is SUN?

Scaling Up Nutrition, or SUN, is a unique Movement founded on the principle that all people have a right to food and good nutrition. It unites people—from governments, civil society, the United Nations, donors, businesses and researchers—in a collective effort to improve nutrition.
Within the SUN Movement, national leaders are prioritizing efforts to address malnutrition. Countries are putting the right policies in place, collaborating with partners to implement programs with shared nutrition goals, and mobilizing resources to effectively scale up nutrition, with a core focus on empowering women.
With a shared understanding that many factors impact nutrition, each of us has a unique contribution to make. Together we are achieving what no one of us can do alone.

The SUN Approach

Nations, organizations and individuals working to scale up nutrition recognize that malnutrition has multiple causes. That is why it requires people to work together across issues and sectors to put nutrition into all development efforts.
The causes of malnutrition include both factors that most people would generally associate with nutrition, as well as factors that affect the broader context of life and health. Recognizing this, the SUN Movement looks to implement both specific nutrition interventions and nutrition-sensitive approaches.

Specific Nutrition Interventions:

  • Support for exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age and continued breastfeeding, together with appropriate and nutritious food, up to 2 years of age;
  • Fortification of foods;
  • Micronutrient supplementation; and
  • Treatment of severe malnutrition. 

Nutrition-Sensitive Approaches:

  • Agriculture: Making nutritious food more accessible to everyone, and supporting small farms as a source of income for women and families;
  • Clean Water and Sanitation: Improving access to reduce infection and disease;
  • Education and Employment: Making sure children have the energy that they need to learn and earn sufficient income as adults;
  • Health Care: Improving access to services to ensure that women and children stay healthy;
  • Support for Resilience: Establishing a stronger, healthier population and sustained prosperity to better endure emergencies and conflicts; and
  • Women’s Empowerment: At the core of all efforts, women are empowered to be leaders in their families and communities, leading the way to a healthier and stronger world.

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